Here are the rules how to play the ‘What Is Your Scene?’ Hilarious Party Game :


1. You’ll need a minimum of 4 people ages 8 and up.
2. The group can decide who gets designated as the Reader for the first round.
3. The Reader picks out a scene provided in the game.
4. The Reader then reads (or emails or texts) the scene to the rest of the Players.
5. After the scene is read, all of the Players write on small slips of paper (or text/email) a one to two sentence explanation of what caused the scene.
6. Each Player will be given a maximum of 2-3 minutes to send their explanations to the Reader.
7. The Reader does not start reading until s/he has received all of the Players’ explanations.
8. The Player to the right of the Reader starts guessing who wrote what.  If they guess correctly, then earn a point.  This Player will guess until s/he is incorrect.
9.  Once the Player makes an error, they lose their turn and the next Player will begin guessing. The next Player can begin guessing only if their explanation has not been guessed.
10. This process will continue until all explanations have been guessed correctly.
11. One Player can keep score for everyone on paper, or better, use this free web score card on this link:
12. The role of the Reader will rotate amongst all the Players so that each has an equal chance to read.
13. The Player with the highest score at the end of the game wins