26, Nov 2020
5 dollar gifts

As the pandemic continues to burrow its way into every aspect of our lives, many of us are faced with the escapable conclusion that we simply don’t have the same disposable income we had going into Christmas 2019. Just as our exterior worlds are “locked” down, so too are many of us are beginning to ponder what a “locked down” Christmas might look like in the wake of financial hardship.

When faced with all the uncertainties of a pandemic Christmas, we may feel a sense of upcoming dread. How we will do Christmas on so little money? It is at these moments that we need to remind ourselves that less money for Christmas gifts doesn’t necessarily equal a diminished Christmas. As Trent Hamm (2020) notes, contrary to the popular belief that gifts have to be expensive, there are many inexpensive gifts that are not junky and bring bring genuine joy to the recipient. https://www.thesimpledollar.com/save-money/30-great-gifts-for-5-or-less/) Through careful, well-thought out gift buying, we can make another person’s Christmas special.

So what would a magical Christmas look like doesn’t break our pocketbooks? First, having an affordable Christmas means narrowing down your list of gift recipients to one or two people.  If necessary, draw names out of a hat   (If you buy smaller consumable items for children like light up clothing, you can buy multiples so it looks like more). Next, familiarize yourself with second hand stores, thrift stores, and dollar stores in your area then check out the second hand stores on line. Contrary to popular belief, these stores are not all full of junk. Thrift stores have some great finds if you have the time to wade through all the items and go on days when there are sales in the store. When you are looking for an item to buy, either buy consumables, things that are functional, or have multiple uses. If you end up buying a collector’s item for someone, make sure it’s part of a collection they already have.

You’d be surprised how many lovely gifts you can give to people for a dollar. Clothing such as thermal insoles for shoes on cold days are always appreciated. Strainers are equally welcome as people endlessly use them for teas, cooked grains, hot chocolate, straining solids from chicken stock, and a myriad of other uses. (see Achitoff-Gray, https://www.seriouseats.com/2016/02/fine-mesh-strainer-hacks.html) Household items like replacement burners for your oven or oven mitts are always useful.   Other dollar gifts appreciated by a wide range of age groups include sunglasses, Santa hats, and decorator kits.

Cards are a pass-time of all ages and a deck of cards wrapped up with a handwritten note with rules to play a new card game is always a lovely surprise. If you are creative and have some time on your hands, you could turn the deck of cards into a scrapbook, a rolodex or a mini photo album with digital pictures (for more ideas, see https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/229402174748368836/?d=t&mt=login ).

This assumes, of course, that you can actually get to a store. If you are in lockdown and the stores aren’t open, don’t fret as there are still dollar items you can buy on-line, although with shipping they might come to two or three dollars so be careful to check shipping costs before ordering. Wish, like eBay, is one such on-line store where you are able to purchase a limited quantity item for a ridiculously low price (e.g., one dollar for professional quality barber sheers which is an extremely useful item during a pandemic), although with so many other buyers vying for it, you might be better off buying items for slightly more money as there will be less competition for the product.

If you are looking for five dollars or less, you’ll have a quite a bit more selection. Personal care items like make up, skin care and jewelry can often be bought with good sales for under five dollars both on-line and in stores. ( see https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/holidays/gift-ideas/g411/gifts-under-five-dollars/)There are lots of children’s items that can be bought for under five dollars including coloring books and sidewalk chalk. People often appreciate puzzle books and puzzles at this type of year. Whatisyourscene is a hilarious party online party game that can be bought for four dollars that you can play on Christmas night. And there are many more thoughtful reasonable gifts one can give to loved ones during a pandemic to demonstrate that are loved and that you care despite everything going on around them.

Do yourself and others a favor. Make this pandemic Christmas special by being a low cost, creative one. Family members who are struggling financially will be glad you did.

Click on links below to buy the book and get started having some more fun!!!

Sale On Now At Amazon.com – Check it out!”

Sale On Now At Amazon - Check it out!


Sale On Now At Amazon.ca – Check it out!”

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