5, Sep 2020
What Is Your Scene? A quarantine friendly game for those looking for new games in their Covid ‘bubbles’ or living in lonely settings 

‘What Is Your Scene?’, an eBook Game is on Sale on Amazon world wide web sites

Laughter is the Best Medicine: A quarantine friendly game for those looking for new games in their Covid “bubbles” or living in quarantine or any lonely settings.

By now, most of us of aware of the very negative impact long periods of isolation can have on our health and well-being. In Brook’s et al’s 2020 study of a review of 24 papers examining the psychological effects of quarantine, many of those in the studies suffered from symptoms similar to post traumatic stress disorder as they experienced shock, uncertainty and anger. Feelings of being stigmatized as result of quarantine, fears of infection and loss of income were some of the most common causes of concern found among participants. Furthermore, the studies reviewed suggest that these negative psychological effects can be long lasting (see this link ). Other studies on quarantine have shown that the longer the duration of lockdown, the more one’s mental state worsens (Hawryluck et al, 2004 see this link and Reynolds et all 2008; see this link )

Naturally, many people across the globe are trying to deal with the negative psychological impact that quarantine has had on its citizens. While some are trying creative ways to get the economy up and running, others have emphasized the importance of coping skills and the need for resilience (see this link ). The CDC tells us to avoid stressors such as constantly monitoring the news while adopting healthy eating and sleeping patterns as well as reaching out to others for social support. The World Health Organization echoes a similar theme of resilience, stating the importance of how one directs their thoughts as a key component of meeting the challenges posed by adversity (see this link )

While these studies are invaluable in guiding people to act in ways that are more helpful to their well-being, what is left under theorized are more affective benefits of social interaction, including the benefits of laughter. Laughter is shown to boost the immune system, reduce pain and relax the entire body. In fact, laughter therapy is a entire form of therapy devoted to making people laugh as way of promoting better health ( see Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 2016, 239, 243-249). Whereas the more therapeutic approaches to laughter are an important way of mitigating the effects of stress, there are other equally powerful ways to get the health benefits of laughter in more spontaneous unregulated circumstances, with much of this laughter taking place during “leisure” activities such as dates, sports, board games or social functions such as weddings.

Because many of these “feel good” activities are no longer possible in times of quarantine, what researchers are currently investigating is the value of stay at home group leisure activities, most notably the resurgence in popularity of board games. While there is no definitive link between board games which produce the most laughter and their subsequent effect on one’s overall health, what will be argued is that there are games which for whatever reason, whether they are less competitive or more creative, are known for producing more laughter and therefore are more prone to producing those feel good hormones than others. As B DeCoven states in his article on Playing for Laughs– “these are the type of games that aren’t designed to be taken seriously. While there are rules, they often get changed as the game is played.” Winning, in these games then, isn’t really the objective. What counts is the ability to make other’s laugh. (see this link )

So what is the general consensus on which are the funniest games? Which ones should we buy to get the most bang for our buck? Wits and Wagers, Things in a Box, Say Anything and Telestrations are games that hit the top ten list of “laugh out loud” games more than once. People who write these blogs love the these games not simply because they are funny but because they are fun. Because they make family laugh together. And during a pandemic when we are all isolated in social bubbles talking over zoom, perhaps having fun is one of the best medicines to inoculate ourselves from the more distressing reality outside our bubbles in which we find ourselves.

If you are looking for something to raise your spirits, you should definitely try out the games listed above. But if you have all these games already and are interested in a similar type of game to accompany you through the next lockdown, https://whatisyourscene.com/how-to-play-the-game/ might be just the thing to bring a smile to your face (please go to these links for some sample questions and answers). You can also play it through the phone on text so it’s a perfect way for people to have fun if their zoom connection is not strong enough or if they are in isolated, stressful situations like the waiting room at a hospital. No need to sit alone in a room wherever that room may be.  Come and join the party with this hilarious game.


For those that want to use a Zoom.com meeting for this game, you can send a private chat to the reader of the scene on the Zoom chat function.  The reader adds their personal explanation to the hilarious scene they are reading so they read out all the explanations sent to them privately from those playing the game plus their explanation. Then go around in order guessing who wrote what scene!  After that round the next person becomes the reader and picks a scene from this Book to read to everyone for them to send their scene explanations privately to the new reader.  For each round you can keep score on this web score card site:  https://ebook-games.com/FreeGameScoreSheets.aspx

For more information and rules how to play click on this link :  https://whatisyourscene.com/how-to-play-the-game/

To buy the What Is Your Scene? – Hilarious Party Game , you can click on one of these links below to transfer it to your ebook reader on the web.   (Amazon transfers it automatically to your free e-book reader on:  https://read.amazon.com

when you buy it.  )


Click on links below to buy the book and get started having some more fun!!!

Sale On Now At Amazon.com – Check it out!”

Sale On Now At Amazon - Check it out!


Sale On Now At Amazon.ca – Check it out!”

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